int[][] myArray = { {8,1,2,2,9}, {1,9,4,0,3}, {0,3,0,0,7} };

A good answer might be:

What is the value myArray[1][2] ? 4

(Remember that array indexes start at 0 for both rows and columns.)

Different Numbers of Elements per Row

Each row of a 2D array may have a different number of elements. In the following example, the array uneven has

An array element has to exist to be used in a program. If a program refers to an element that does not exist, bounds checking will catch the error (as the program runs) and generate an exception (which will usually halt your program.)

class unevenExample
  public static void main( String[] arg )
    // declare and construct a 2D array
    int[][] uneven = 
        { { 1, 9, 4 },
          { 0, 2},
          { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 } };

    System.out.println("uneven[0][2] is ", + uneven[0][2] ) ; // OK 
    System.out.println("uneven[1][1] is ", + uneven[1][1] ) ; // OK 
    System.out.println("uneven[1][2] is ", + uneven[1][2] ) ; // WRONG! 

    uneven[2][4] = 97;  // OK 
    uneven[1][4] = 97;  // WRONG! 

    int val = uneven[0][2] ;  // OK 
    int sum = uneven[1][2] ;  // WRONG! 

Making an assignment to an element that does not exist is an error. It will not create room in the array for the element.


Which of the following are correct?